Tree of Literacy
Reading aloud and talking together every day creates secure relationships and a strong foundation for learning. Books should be part of every family’s daily routine. At My Kids we promote reading at every visit for all ages.
Literacy is a Gift Every Child Deserves
Infants 0-6 months
Books with simple, large pictures or designs with bright colors.
Stiff cardboard, “chunky” books, or fold out books that can be propped up in the crib.
Cloth and soft vinyl books with simple pictures of people or familiar objects that can go in the bath or get washed.
Repetitive sing song verses encourage vocalization.
Infants 6-12 months
Board books with photos of other babies.
Brightly colored “chunky” board books to touch and feel.
Books with photos of familiar objects like balls and bottles.
Books with sturdy pages that can be propped up or spread out for playtime.
Plastic/vinyl books for bath time.
Washable cloth books to cuddle.
Small plastic photo albums of family and friends.
Young Toddlers 12-24 months
Sturdy board books that they can carry.
Books with photos of children doing familiar things like sleeping or playing.
Goodnight books for bed time.
Books about saying hello and good-bye.
Books with only a few words on each page.
Books with simple rhymes or predictable text.
Animal books of all sizes and shapes.
Toddlers 2-3 years
Books that tell simple stories.
Simple rhyming books that they can memorize.
Bed time books.
Books about counting, the alphabet, shapes, or sizes.
Animal books, vehicle books, books about playtime.
Books with their favorite TV characters inside.
Books about saying hello and good-bye.
Ways To Share Books With Babies & Toddlers
Make Sharing Books Part Of Every Day
Read or share stories at bedtime or playtime.
Have Fun
Children can learn from you that books are fun, which is an important ingredient in learning to read.
A Few Minutes is OK—Don’t Worry if You Don’t Finish the Story
Young children can only sit for a few minutes for a story, but as they grow, they will be able to sit longer.
Talk or Sing About the Pictures
You do not have to read the words to tell a story.
Let Children Turn the Pages
Babies need board books to help turning pages, but a three-year-old can do it alone. Remember, it’s OK to skip pages!
Show Children the Cover Page
Explain what the story is about.
Show Children the Words
Run your finger along the words as you read them, from left to right.
Make the Story Come Alive
Create voices for the story characters and use your body to tell the story.
Make It Personal
Talk about your own family, pets, or community when you are reading about others in a story.
Ask Questions About the Story, and Let Children Ask Questions Too!
Use the story to engage in conversation and to talk about familiar activities and objects.
Let Children Tell the Story
Children as young as three years old can memorize a story, and many children love to be creative through storytelling
Preschool to High School and Beyond
Continue to read to your child
Your child should be reading at least 30 minutes each day
Help your child pronounce words
Make sure your child sees you reading
Read as a family
Ask questions and take an interest in what they are reading
Go to the library together
Share your favorite story with your child at each stage of their life
Make reading fun
Links To Reading Resources:
Back Mountain Memorial Library, Dallas
Hazleton Area Public Library, Hazleton
Hoyt Library, Kingston
Marian Sutherland Kirby Library, Mountaintop
Mill Memorial Library, Nanticoke
Osterhout Free Library, Wilkes-Barre
Pittston Area Memorial Library, Pittston
Plymouth Public Library, Plymouth
West Pittston Library, West Pittston; and
Wyoming Free Library, Wyoming.
Reading Rockets is a national multimedia literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help.