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My Kids' providers are always assessing your child's physical and developmental progress at every stageand we work very closely with other specialists.

Special Needs

Developmental Screenings 

All babies, toddlers, children and teens develop at their own pace. Gross motor, fine motor, cognitive, and social skills, and speech and language each develop along their own track. There are established milestones for each of these aspects of development that we look for as we watch children grow. The range spans quite a few months for each of these milestones. For example a baby who walks at 9 months may be an early walker, at one year an average walker, and at 17 months a late walker, but all are normal. When those children are 3 years old no one will know which one was the early, average, or late walker. What matters most is that in each area there is ongoing progression as children grow and that all milestones are met. We will ask questions about development at each checkup. 


We administer the MCHAT developmental screen at 18 and 24 months. This is a standard screen that is used internationally. We are also use a standardized measure called PEDSDM at all 9, 18 and 30month checkups. Developmental assessments continue throughout childhood and teen years. In older children we look at social , emotional, cognitive and physical development. Screening and acting early on any concerns has been shown to allow for the best possible outcomes.

What Are Milestones? What Is Normal?

Things like babbling, sitting, pulling up, saying mama, pointing to objects, using utensils, running, drawing, talking in sentences are all examples of milestones.

Here are sites that describe what your child should be doing at different ages. If you become concerned be sure to bring it to our attention at a checkup or call for additional advice.

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What If Your Child Falls Behind? What Can You Do?

Sometimes symptoms or behavior patterns are observed that may indicate a child is at risk for developing a disability. Development is an ongoing process and just like in children with no observed red flags it is difficult to determine how, or if these symptoms will progress and impact your child. We know, however, that early intervention is extremely helpful, so often services are recommended before an actual diagnosis is made. This can be frustrating for parents and we will guide you through the process and available resources.

Other Special Needs Resources

Autism Resources

Physical Health Needs

  • eKidzCare is a pediatric home healthcare agency providing high quality healthcare options to children with medically complex healthcare needs

  • Bayada: In home care for children with complex medical needs 

  • Pediatria Healthcare provides pediatric private duty nursing and pediatric day health center for children with complex medical problems

  • Allied Services provides comprehensive physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy to children of all ages with a variety of diagnoses.

Mental Health Needs

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness, is dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

  • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the lead federal agency for research on mental disorders

  • Children’s Service Center is a diagnostic and treatment center for children and adolescents with emotional disturbance, severe and persistent mental illness 

  • Kids Peace treats individuals with emotional, mental, developmental, and behavioral disorders caused by trauma, abuse, neglect or other causes; by providing mental health care and education

Child Abuse/Child Victims

  • Luzerne County Child Abuse Reporting
    (To report child abuse/neglect): (570) 826-8710
     or CHILDLINE at 1-800-932-0313 

  • Victims Resource Center: Advocacy, education and services to help victims.

  • Marley’s Mission is a non-profit organization that provides equine-based therapy free of charge to children, and their families, who have experienced trauma.

  • Luzerne County Child Advocacy Center  conducts joint interviews, investigations, and medical exams in a comfortable setting for children who are victims of abuse


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My Kids Pediatric Partners, PC

1102 Highway 315 Blvd.

Wilkes-Barre, PA


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My Kids Pediatric Partners, Address, Dr. Sudo
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My Kids Pediatric Partners

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